Uniform and Appearance
School Uniform
At LDSM, we believe our uniform helps to give the children a pride in their appearance through an identity with the school. It also provides an acceptable form of clothing which is widely available.
Our uniform policy is below; you can also download a copy of the uniform list at the bottom of the page.
Branded items comprise the following:
- school tie;
- navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan (with the school logo);
- navy blue polo shirt (optional for summer uniform- with the school logo).
- Yellow polo shirt for PE (also with the school logo)
These items can be purchased from our uniform supplier, PMG Schoolwear at:
PMG Schoolwear, 393-395 Hook Road, Chessington, Surrey, KT9 1EL. New school ties are also available from the school office at £3 each.
PMG sell a few other branded items, including a fleece. These are not part of the school uniform, but can be bought as extras, or, in the case of the fleece, for outerwear at break-times if desired.
Second Hand Uniform
The Friends of Long Ditton St Mary’s keep a stock of second-hand school uniform. They can be contacted via the school office or their email ldsmfriends@gmail.com.
Winter Uniform – October half-term to Easter
- School tie.
- School sweatshirt or cardigan.
- Grey trousers (tailored, not cargo pocketed), skirt or tunic.
- White shirt (with buttons to the neck for wearing with ties).
- Sensible black shoes (not boots, trainers or ballet style pumps).
- Blue, black.white or grey socks (not trainer style) or grey/navy tights
- Hair bands and scrunchies should be in the school colours.
Summer Uniform – Easter to October half-term
As above. Other options are:
- Grey shorts.
- School navy blue polo shirt, with logo
- Navy/white gingham checked summer dresses.
- Short-sleeved white shirt (with buttons to the neck for wearing with ties).
Winter Uniform of shirt and tie may also be requested for formal occasions, e.g. for Year 6 for leavers’ events
PE/Games Kit
- Yellow school polo shirt.
- Navy shorts for indoor and summer wear.
- Plain navy sweatshirt.
- Plain navy tracksuit trousers.
- PE socks (especially for girls when wearing winter tights)
- Sensible trainers or plimsolls.
Additional Kit
- Backpack for books and stationery.
- PE bag.
- Art overall – an old, adult shirt makes an excellent protective layer.
Hair, make-up and jewellery
We aim for all children at LDSM to be proud of their appearance.
Hair bands need to match the school colours or be white, navy blue, black or grey. Large bows, 'cat ear' or novelty hair accessories are discouraged.
Makeup and nail varnish should never be worn. Children will be asked to remove nail varnish if it is worn to school.
The only jewellery permitted is stud earrings. Children may wear a single or pair of small plain, silver or gold ear-studs (not hoops or hanging ear rings). Watches may also be worn. The school cannot be responsible for lost jewellery.
The following rules apply for ear-studs and PE/Sport:
- If possible, children must remove ear-studs prior to any PE lesson or sporting activity where a collision with a pupil, a piece of apparatus or a ball etc. might occur. They must be removed by the child themselves.
- Where staff deem the activity safe enough, children who are not able to remove ear-studs should make them safe by taping them front and back.
- The taping should be sufficient to prevent injury from an unintentional blow. The office will have a small stock of surgical tape for this purpose.
- Staff must not be expected to do the taping for pupils. We retain the right to exclude a pupil from PE in any circumstances where it is felt the pupil is at risk.
It is still best to wait until the Summer Holidays to have piercings done, so that they can be removed for PE wherever possible.
Unfortunately, like all other schools, pupils suffer from the occasional bout of head lice and for this reason we ask that you check your child’s hair weekly, and treat them immediately if necessary.
Long hair (below shoulder length) is to be tied back at all times as this reduces the chance of pupils passing nits to each other, is much safer for PE lessons and also looks smarter.