Our Charities

Our Charities

At LDSM we support one local, one national and one international charity each year. In the Autumn term at Harvest, and at other points in the year, we collect food and other much needed items for East Elmbridge Foodbank.



In March, we ‘Wear a Hat’ to fund raise for Brain Tumour Research, a charity whose work has touched our school community and is very close to our hearts.



At Christmas, we ‘support Blythswood Care, a Christian charity, with a mission to transform lives through the impact of education, community action and gospel activities. We fill shoeboxes with gifts which are sent to children in vulnerable communities across Eastern Europe.



We also love supporting the ‘Children’s Society’ through collecting money and making Christingles each December.



We also support Save the Children, by wearing a Christmas Jumper, The British Legion, The Royal Marsden, Comics Relief and Red Nose Day. Our school councillors will meet with their classes in January to decide upon our charity focus for the coming year.