As a core subject, English enables children to not only read and write but to interact, discuss and communicate effectively. We aim to enable children to be capable, confident readers with a love and appreciation of books. The ability to read gives children a magic key, enabling them to access learning and understanding for the rest of their lives. At LDSM, we teach reading in groups and depending on children’s ability to decode, blend and comprehend, children are either in Read, Write Inc. phonics groups or whole class reading settings. Children in RWI groups are assessed every six and therefore make fast and efficient progress. All children also experience daily story time, where teachers read a class text. All children have carefully selected library books and those in RWI groups take home two books: a reading for pleasure book and another to practise specific sounds as taught in their groups. Click on ‘Reading at home’ tab to find out how you can further support your children at home.
Through reading, experience, exploration and excitement, the children at LDSM learn to write enthusiastically and imaginatively in a wide range of genres and for a variety of purposes. Grammar and punctuation are taught alongside writing lessons, which encourage reflection, peer review and the embedded cycle of drafting, editing and publishing to create purposeful writing.
Writing curriculum documents
Reading curriculum documents
World Book Week 2022

World Book week 2021 (virtual!)