Easter Pause Day
Easter Pause Day 2021
Long Ditton St Mary’s Junior School Easter Pause Day 2021
On Monday 22nd March, everyone at LDSM put aside their maths and English books, and spent the entire day exploring, reflecting on and creating on the theme of the Easter Story.
Classes took part in storytelling and drama activities based on the events of holy week. Children were asked to try to consider why people reacted differently and the feelings and motivations of those around Jesus. We discussed the themes of betrayal, forgiveness, sacrifice and love.
Year 4 worked in pairs as an artist and a piece of clay. The artist had to sculpt the ‘clay’ into the form of Jesus when he knew he had been betrayed.
The children also took part in a variety of craft activities such as making a class cross made of a collection of their thoughts, abstract paintings and designing a class piece of artwork based on an aspect of the Easter story..
Instead of going to church for our usual Easter Services Dr Kuhan joined us for a service in the school playground with many parents joining us via zoom. We shared our drama and artwork as well as the Easter songs that we had been learning with Mrs Hart. It was wonderful to see the children’s work and reflections collated together in the service.