Our Vision and Values


Loving learning, loving one another, loving God.


Our Vision

To inspire children and adults in the school community to be confident, courageous and compassionate within a community that enables them to flourish academically, socially and spiritually.


We have four key values which underpin our school community; each value has ways in which we try to live them:



through friendship, truth, co-operation and forgiveness.


through inclusivity, equality, diversity and humility.


through kindness, empathy, responsibility and patience.


through resilience, determination, perseverance and courage.


We talk about how we can show these values in all sorts of ways- through assemblies with staff and visitors; in class when we set our class rules or when we are trying a new skill; when we celebrate our achievements- and when we want to reflect or try a bit harder with something. 

Every week, we have a special 'Values Champion' assembly, which celebrates everyone's efforts at school; we also give certificates to children who have gone the extra mile that week- nominated by their peers as well as school staff.


We arrived at our school motto, vision and values after talking to parents, pupils, staff and governors about what they believed LDSM's mission should be. There is a lot more to them- find out more by clicking below.